Sunday, 29 December 2013

Why oh why?

So not too sure whether i should feel bad about this because apparently i should but i dont hahaha! Coming from my sister anyway. Question is "should i feel bad about kissing a boy?" My answer is to be honest i thought it was fun and its not like im going and kissing all different boys. Just one in particular ya know. But the thing that they say is that yous are kissing but yous arent in a relationship. Kissing should be  for relationships and on the cheeks is allgood for friendships. He doesnt have gf and i dont have a bf so i dont see the problem. I sort of but dont really see it. All in my head is,  this is fun and im leaving soon! Why cant i kiss him haha. Maybe thats wrong to think but that is how i think. Its not like im expecting a bf now because that would be wrong because like i said im leaving for 18months. My sister was like "youre easy" because i let him kiss me. And im like what the heck im not really. Im 20 and i kissed a guy for the first time. I dont know whats getting into me because i thought this whole thing is pretty fun but i cant afford to become distracted. I then tried telling her that if i had been easy then i would have had Julian right now after all those times he wished he could have kissed me but i said no because he had a gf. Fiance even. But yeah i dont think im easy for kissing a guy. Haha we were just playing the part of "husband and wife" ;)

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

The holiday of Christmas

'Oh tis the season to celebrate joy and love. Christmas can be the most magical day on earth. It is I believe one of the only days that families truly DO get together and spend time with one another. There is never NOT an excuse to spend time with them because what can I say... THE ENTIRE WORLD shuts down for this one day so that we all can be as one and spend it AS one. 

Some people believe that Christmas is all about presents and Santa Claus and the North Pole. Some people believe that it is the day Jesus Christ was born to the Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem. Some people don't even celebrate Christmas. I believe that Christmas is such a magical day when we spend time together. Sure we can get presents and give presents to others but as long as we never forget the true meaning of the Christmas spirit, is all that matters. And WHY we have Christmas. We don't just make it a public holiday so it robs families of their money, but we are to celebrate Jesus Christ and remember him. Remember what he done for us and that yes he was born through the help and powers of god to an amazing lady who was known as the Virgin Mary.

Christ sacrificed a lot for us. And when I say "a lot" I mean he sacrificed his LIFE for each one of us. Now it wasn't he went to war to battle for our freedom physically. But he gave up everything for us spiritually so that we can enter the kingdoms of heaven and be with our father in heaven again. We need to ask ourselves why are we here today on this earth... We need to realise our purpose and sometimes life seems hard but we weren't sent here for an easy life. We fought in the war of heaven to come to earth. We earns the right to be here today. And through the love of Christ we can be forgiven for our many wrongdoings and sins and we may hopefully one day be worthy to be back home again. 

I loved Christmas this year and it was because I got to spend it with some amazing friends and family. But this will be my last Christmas in Australia til I come back home for my mission. Next year I will be spending Christmas in New Zealand and then 2015 maybe back in Australia or maybe net to the states! I'm not too sure.

Now that christmas is over, it is almost exactly 8weeks until I depart for the mission field in Hamilton New Zealand! So nervous. But grateful for the opportunity to serve my saviour. My lord and my king <3


Thursday, 12 December 2013

That life changing moment

This post has definately taken a very long time to write up as I have been sooo incredibly busy within the last 3weeks. And by 3weeks I mean, this life changing moment happened on November 15th! Told you I have been slack. Now I didn't actually think I would seriously and honestly get to this point in my life where I am at now. I had the "desire and want" to go on a mission but I never thought I would actuay get there. But this day changed my life as my dream turned into a reality. It was a shocker. I screamed when I received the envelope in the mail as I was not expecting it whatsoever. My heart started racing and we started calling everybody up on the phone. Australians and New Zealanders... You name, we were excited. Now we had to decide when we were going to open the envelope whether it was gonna be that same night or the next day. Turns out couldnt wait haha. And so that night my future was told amongst my friends and family. Some I was wishing was there that night to celebrate but when you have friends and families in different countries it just can't be helped. So as I was opening the envelope, I could tell my voice was quavering and I felt I was going to cry. But nope I held it in as I didn't want my makeup to run abd ruin my beautiful face. Kidding guys. But yeah. When I read those words... "Dear sister mcflinn" it hit me because I am going to be soon referred to as that. Like I said, my dream was becoming a reality. I know that prayers are answered and that Heavenly Father listens. And that when we are obedient, we are given our hearts desires. I thought I would be sent somewhere with a language as that's what I had picked on the application but He knew where the best place for me was. And then my heart was saying once I had sent it away... What have you done, you might have just ruined your chances for nz and especially the Hamilton mission. But what do you know... I got called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as Sister McFlinn in the NEW ZEALAND HAMILTON MISSION. My heart's desires were granted even though I didn't think I would be sent there because all my family is from there. He knows me so well and I am so blessed to be able to serve my friends and family from Feb 27th 2014. But even more priveledged to be serving my Heavenly Father. Without His love and guidance, I wouldn't have be one the person I am. And without Him, I know without a surety of a doubt, that I cannot become the person I am destined to be. The amazing people I am going to be coming across I cannot wait. As they will teach me the things that Heavenly Father needs me to learn. I cannot wait to be humbled with my experiences and see Gods children the way he sees them. To love His children the way He loves them. To be of service and expect nothing in return. We are nothing without LOVE. We are His creation and we are to do His will. Progression in life is the key to a successful and long lived life. If you are stagnant and still, there is no living. There is no progression. It's just the same old day in and day out. I am so blessed to be able to serve in the same mission as the temple that I first entered in dec 4th 2010 and be able to one day serve in the visitors centre as the sister missionaries that I saw there that time I thought, wow you're so pretty!

3years ago Oct 30 2010 MY BAPTISM DAY

The New Zealand Hamilton Temple. The most peaceful place on Earth. The place I call home..

Standing here as a recent convert. Soon I will be standing in front of the Jesus Christ Statue with my missionary badge on my shoulder ahh!