... to this blog of mine to whoever reads of this.

YES THAT'S ME UP ABOVE THERE AND TO THE RIGHT THERE! Lets just say I never EVER thought I would EVER take a photo like this. Okay okay yes I take selfies and jump in heaps of photos with friends but for me to pose like this is VERY out of my comfort zone by far. It was a spontaneous moment and I was so not even thinking straight and I was like take the photo ahhhh!  Model material right thur right thur ;) just kidding.

This is a place where I can share my thoughts and my life and so if you are interested then go ahead and take a look. It will get crazy at times, emotional, spontaneous but if you know me then you will know that that is what you can expect as you KNOW that that's me. 
I hope you enjoy reading this blog and who knows you may even find things out about me that you never knew or you might see a side to me that you never thought was there.

I truly hope that you do enjoy :D

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