Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Losing a loved one

So as I am sitting here thinking through what I really would like to write tonight, I can't think of anything else but about what I am going to write about. I have this strong impression to write about a special little girl who meant the world to her family and I bet changed many other families lives for sure.

It is the most hardest thing losing the ones you love the most. It is the most trying period of your life. To say goodbye to them, to not be able to speak to them. But as long as we know that this life is only a temporary period so not being able to speak to them, laugh with them, play with them, confide in them... It's only for now but it's not going to be for forever. 

I may never have had the privilege to meet this beautiful girl but I know for one thing is that her amazing spirit is back home resting in celestial glory with our Father in Heaven in gloriousness and in peace perfection. The most precious spirits of all are the ones that return home back to Heavenly Father at the early stages of life. Even though it has left her family indefinitely heart broken as that was their baby girl, Heavenly Father has a plan for both her and them.

As long as we know that families can be together forever, we know that we will see our families again and very soon indeed. The eternities look great when you know the ones you love are waiting there to greet you when it's time. The atonement of Jesus Christ has made it possible for us to return back to Him when our time comes. To return to the ones we love. So for the beautiful Leu family, Inah and Brian, I am so sorry for your loss at this time. You are both such strong individuals and I hope you will be okay soon. 

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