Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Self conscious?

My workout arena and the food I should and shouldn't be eating haha!!! GO ME ;)

Now I really wouldn't say that I am that self conscious but others would say I am. Actually maybe even CRAZY self conscious! Haha I don't think I am but others do. I think I might be a little worried about my weight but others think I'm obsessed and by others I'm talking about my family. I know that I shouldn't be self conscious but I am! MY WEIGHT SUCKS!!!!! I have gained 4kgs in like the last few months. 4 I TELL YOU... 4!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know why people think I'm pretty or beautiful but in my head I'm like uhhhhh what the heck... Uhhh I'm not. It's time to start getting fit I think. I'm actually really excited about it. I joined a 12week body transformation course with Michelle bridges to learn her workouts and nutrition guide. I went and bought vegetables last night as this is Day 2 in the program. During this program I have eaten ice cream and MnMs. Not a great start but hey at least it wasn't takeaways. That was last weeks news ;) the lowest I have been this year is I can say 71.8kgs. Don't ask me how I got there but I have no clue. Haha and starving isn't the way guys. But it's hard at the moment because I usually only eat breakfast and a snack at 3pm when I get home from work. I haven't been eating at the right times of the day and so now I feel sick when I try eat 3times a day. I feel so sick. But I know I have to try because in the end its better eating 3times a day than 1. I know I will get there. Weighing in at I think about 76kgs... So work needs to be done. Can't wait for the 12weeks to go as it ends in February; my friends WEDDING is in February (gotta look smokin' for that ;)) and I leave for my mission most likely in February. Massive month in February but yes I'm going to work this fat off this body people. Cannot wait for the end result. I have mission skirts which are JUST too small for me so if I can lose enough weight to fit into those mission clothes COMFORTABLY, then i will be a happy choppy indeed. I know that I should be happy with the way I am... And I am... It's just I know that there is room for improvement indeed :) 

SO LAST WEEK!!!!! - hard as to find workout clothes...

SO YESTERDAY!!!! - went and bought new clothes for the whole 12week makeover transformation. I can't wait for my body to be "loose" of all of this FAT! By the way there's no sucking in in these photos so yes that's exactly how much weight I have to lose haha

Ps love the iPad shots haha I have NO PHONE :( it broke on me last week. Can't believe I have survived 6days without a phone. Ermagawshhh!


And uhhhh yes that'll be me but with the black hair ahhh!!!! Well anything close to be fitting into my mission clothes is all that I can ask for. And I will be over the moon :)

Monday, 11 November 2013

A chance with death perhaps?

Ahhhhhhh!!!! I guess you could have called this family home evening tonight as since the POOL was up and running and full... We decide to go for a swim even though it was pretty ugly looking outside and looking like it was going to rain. WE SPENT TIME AS A FAMILY AHHH YAY :D so this afternoon it was sooo funny. My mum was commentating as she had her phone recording this spontaneous jump out the window of our two storey house. Yes I JUST SAID THAT! I JUMPED out of our window ... and landed on the concrete and broke my leg. Haha kidding no. But I did jump out the window as evidence is shown but into a giant pool. Let me just say this took me ages to jump because it was freaky as standing up there. I kept hesitating and then thinking too much and then I pulled out. Katya, my sister, was like here I shall show you how it's done. She gets up there and shows us quite proudly how she isn't scared and jumps in. She gives more of a little more of a performance than intended. Which meant showing a little more than what she wanted hahahaha but that was sooo funny. I thoug to myself if she can do it so can I!!! So I did. And I felt I won. Because If I hadn't I would have been regretting it the entire night and I just done it and had the best afternoon ever. I know it was such a stupid thing to do but hey spontaneous things are so much fun and you enjoy life. WHO SAID MORMONS CAN'T HAVE FUN ;) I sure love my life that I don't want to risk it too much but now at least I can say I have jumped out of a 2storey house into a pool :) my mothers commentating remarks.. "Is future sister missionary... can she do it.... will she do it... Will she be spontaneous? " and yeww YES I CAN!

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Hair Spontaneity

Olá meninas e meninos...

So right there I just said... "Hello girls and boys" yes, yes, yes... Basic Portuguese I know but I'm learning. Well I've stopped lately but need to get back into learning it. Hopefully I get somewhere where I can learn the beautiful language of the Portuguese :) so the other day as my brother and his girlfriend were up for the week for a holiday and for Chloe to meet the family. 

Let me tell you, she is such a beautiful girl. Loved getting to spend a little time with her. Anyway on Wednesday, Sharon and I took my brother Joshua and Chloe shopping at the large Chermside shopping complex about an hour away from where we live. Almost 2 near miss car crashes but we got there in the end. Stupid Queensland drivers I tell ya, they don't know how to merge properly into the next lane. Anyway, I'm glad I took Sharon as I would have felt definately like the third wheel. Natalia hanging behind watching her brother and Gf act all cute and shiz. Like legit "where's my boyfriend :"(!!!! Just kidding. I got no time for that. Anyway so we walked past a few stalls and we actually listened to a hand cream person and I wanted to get some but later on as it was 180dollars! Later on as in like mons later haha as it was so good. We stopped at the hair stall and this lady was sooo good at talking it all up and well in the end I spent almost 900dollars buying straightener, curlers, shampoo and serum, even a hair straightener holder on the wall. My excuse was... I can take it on the mission. HAHA FAIL if I get sent somewhere where I have NO ELECTRICITY. I could have brought an iPhone 5s that day and let me tell you I wish I had considering I dropped my phone and it ended up breaking that night. So now I'm broke with no mooney and have no phone. I AM SO BRAINY. But at least I can go back to this lady and she will design my hair for free for a lifetime instead of 7times. Part of her selling deal I guess but she's never offered this before haha. So I felt like we struck gold. But now I gotta go back and start saving again and stop being materialistic and be pohara broke again. I am going to be a poor missionary for 18months in the next 4months. No harm in starting now.