Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Self conscious?

My workout arena and the food I should and shouldn't be eating haha!!! GO ME ;)

Now I really wouldn't say that I am that self conscious but others would say I am. Actually maybe even CRAZY self conscious! Haha I don't think I am but others do. I think I might be a little worried about my weight but others think I'm obsessed and by others I'm talking about my family. I know that I shouldn't be self conscious but I am! MY WEIGHT SUCKS!!!!! I have gained 4kgs in like the last few months. 4 I TELL YOU... 4!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know why people think I'm pretty or beautiful but in my head I'm like uhhhhh what the heck... Uhhh I'm not. It's time to start getting fit I think. I'm actually really excited about it. I joined a 12week body transformation course with Michelle bridges to learn her workouts and nutrition guide. I went and bought vegetables last night as this is Day 2 in the program. During this program I have eaten ice cream and MnMs. Not a great start but hey at least it wasn't takeaways. That was last weeks news ;) the lowest I have been this year is I can say 71.8kgs. Don't ask me how I got there but I have no clue. Haha and starving isn't the way guys. But it's hard at the moment because I usually only eat breakfast and a snack at 3pm when I get home from work. I haven't been eating at the right times of the day and so now I feel sick when I try eat 3times a day. I feel so sick. But I know I have to try because in the end its better eating 3times a day than 1. I know I will get there. Weighing in at I think about 76kgs... So work needs to be done. Can't wait for the 12weeks to go as it ends in February; my friends WEDDING is in February (gotta look smokin' for that ;)) and I leave for my mission most likely in February. Massive month in February but yes I'm going to work this fat off this body people. Cannot wait for the end result. I have mission skirts which are JUST too small for me so if I can lose enough weight to fit into those mission clothes COMFORTABLY, then i will be a happy choppy indeed. I know that I should be happy with the way I am... And I am... It's just I know that there is room for improvement indeed :) 

SO LAST WEEK!!!!! - hard as to find workout clothes...

SO YESTERDAY!!!! - went and bought new clothes for the whole 12week makeover transformation. I can't wait for my body to be "loose" of all of this FAT! By the way there's no sucking in in these photos so yes that's exactly how much weight I have to lose haha

Ps love the iPad shots haha I have NO PHONE :( it broke on me last week. Can't believe I have survived 6days without a phone. Ermagawshhh!


And uhhhh yes that'll be me but with the black hair ahhh!!!! Well anything close to be fitting into my mission clothes is all that I can ask for. And I will be over the moon :)


  1. Gurl every single day I look at girls with nice bodies hahahaha sounds lesbian as but that's what drives me to get fit hahahaha. So proud of you! !

    1. Haha plea I'm already seeing improvement in the number ALREADY but hopefully soon I shall see improvement in the actual look. Haha I shall do a repost in 4weeks time!!!! At least I am now motivated!! x
