Sunday 29 December 2013

Why oh why?

So not too sure whether i should feel bad about this because apparently i should but i dont hahaha! Coming from my sister anyway. Question is "should i feel bad about kissing a boy?" My answer is to be honest i thought it was fun and its not like im going and kissing all different boys. Just one in particular ya know. But the thing that they say is that yous are kissing but yous arent in a relationship. Kissing should be  for relationships and on the cheeks is allgood for friendships. He doesnt have gf and i dont have a bf so i dont see the problem. I sort of but dont really see it. All in my head is,  this is fun and im leaving soon! Why cant i kiss him haha. Maybe thats wrong to think but that is how i think. Its not like im expecting a bf now because that would be wrong because like i said im leaving for 18months. My sister was like "youre easy" because i let him kiss me. And im like what the heck im not really. Im 20 and i kissed a guy for the first time. I dont know whats getting into me because i thought this whole thing is pretty fun but i cant afford to become distracted. I then tried telling her that if i had been easy then i would have had Julian right now after all those times he wished he could have kissed me but i said no because he had a gf. Fiance even. But yeah i dont think im easy for kissing a guy. Haha we were just playing the part of "husband and wife" ;)