Saturday 28 September 2013

One nights dream

Dreams are crazy. I know i have had my fair few and some are i think significant but i cannot remember them the next day (not like i remember them all the time anyway) but at the time I do. Or some dreams are just that... dreams. Maybe they are signs; maybe they are guidance for choosing the right path; maybe they are of your nightmares or your greatest fears coming to haunt you.

Last night I had a dream and I do not understand why I had this dream and i do not know why i remember it but I do. My dream last night meant something special to me. I was so happy, so excited and full of life. I dont know why but all I remember was the excitment of recieving my garments. When you take out your endowments you are given garments to wear. The feelings I got for wearing them, i couldnt wait to put them on. I rushed to put them on and I thought and laughed to myself thinking, i dont understand why people find them uncomfortable at all. Recieving these meant to me that i will be taking out my next step in the temple hopefully soon. The day I go to the temple to take out my endowments will be one of the most amazing days of my life I believe.

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